Putin Signals Willingness to Normalize Relations with the West, Emphasizing Russian Interests

CGC News Reporter December 23, 2024

In a recent interview with VGTRK journalist Pavel Zarubin, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed Russia’s readiness to normalize relations with the United States and other Western countries, but stressed that such efforts must not come at the expense of Russia’s national interests. Putin emphasized that Russia has never abandoned its desire for better relations, but only if it aligns with the country’s strategic goals.

“Everything changes in international relations, but interests remain invariable,” Putin stated, highlighting that any future engagement with the West would be conditional on safeguarding Russia’s sovereignty and security. He pointed to historical precedents, including the post-Crimea War era, where Russia concentrated its efforts and ultimately regained its rights in the Black Sea.
The Russian leader also criticized the previous generation of Russian politicians for attempting to align with the West at the cost of Russia’s strength, calling their approach a path to the country’s weakening and eventual destruction. He condemned the West’s treatment of Russia when it’s potential declined, arguing that the West, instead of offering equitable partnership, sought to undermine Russia.

Putin concluded that any future relations with Western nations would be built strictly on the basis of Russian state interests, making it clear that Russia’s course would not be dictated by external pressures.